Official $CZAR Liquidity Pool
An unknown liquidity pool for $CZAR has been launched on Meteora. This is not affiliated with the community and may pose risks, including scams, liquidity fragmentation, and potential loss of funds.
The Buy Now and Chart buttons on this website represent the official community liquidity pool. DO NOT BUY FROM METEORA.
Always verify links through our website, Twitter, and Telegram. Report any suspicious activity in our Telegram channel. Stay informed and trade securely.
Our Community's Journey
Join our growing community of over 2,900 $CZAR holders who are committed to reshaping the meme coin landscape.
A fun community, embracing the meme, no f#cks given
Trump is only just getting started. First was DOGE Department of Government Efficiency with Elon Musk, now The Crypto CZAR with David Sacks, what’s next?
We uphold 5 core values that guide our actions: community-led, transparency, no BS, celebration of meme culture, and just BUIDL!

CZAR on Spotify - Tribute Music

Liquidity Burned for Stability

Zero Percent Tax Advantage

Limited Supply of 10M Tokens

Community-Led Revolution
The Role of the CZAR

You can purchase the Crypto $CZAR Token Moonshot or any other method of your preference. Use the right contract address, DOYR, this is a fun Meme Coin only
Burned liquidity, 0% tax rate, total supply of 10M million. Whoever launched the token chose this, we’re just the community that’s taken over the project